The manufacturer guarantees the performance of its products for their intended use if properly applied in accordance with the label instructions and the specifications or technical data sheet. Having no control over the application methods and conditions or the circumstances related to its use, no other warranty, express or implied, legal or otherwise, is given. This limited warranty extends only to the original purchaser of the product and is neither transferable nor assignable. The manufacturer does not warrant against problems related to the product caused by factors beyond its control, such as structural defects, damage to the coating film by others, poor substrate condition, incorrect application, etc. If the product fails to conform to this limited warranty, return the unused portion along with the sales receipt to the place of purchase. You will receive as your sole remedy either a refund of the price paid for the product or a replacement with a product of equal value. This warranty specifically excludes labor costs or labor costs for the removal or application of any coating, as well as direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, and additional damages.
For any complaints, please contact your retailer. For further information, please fill out the following form.